Making the Keyboard Work For You

Making the Keyboard Work For You

What happens when you aren't able to effectively use your mouse? Is it really possible to get everything done on a computer that you need to just by using the keyboard?

The short answer is yes....and no

Keyboard shortcuts are amazing and there are tons of lists available that detail shortcuts to help you get your work done on a computer just using the keyboard.

Need to copy something? There's a shortcut for that.

Accidentally closed a webpage that you need back? There's a shortcut for that!

In fact, using keyboard shortcuts can save you 2 seconds for every mouse click you might have had. So learning to use the keyboard more efficiently can be a benefit to all. But if using the mouse at all is too difficult due to disability or struggles with the fine motor skills needed, keyboard shortcuts can make your job or work still possible.

The one caveat?


All webpages are not created equal. Each website designer has control over the website accessibility and after visiting a few websites and reading some articles of others that went strictly keyboard, some websites make keyboard navigation difficult if not next to impossible.

The good news? Larger companies or corporations are likely interested in increasing their website's accessibility! For example, writer superplane39 explains in an article about being forced to use the keyboard exclusively after some mouse problems. At the time the article was written, navigating YouTube by keyboard was difficult. If a video had a lot of comments, getting to the next video felt like standing in a Disneyland line—it seems never-ending.

But at some point YouTube either received feedback or figured out that it was a huge roadblock for accessibility and keyboard use and it has since been updated. No longer do you have to tab through hundreds of comments to get to the next video!

So don't be afraid of using the keyboard exclusively. If a computer is required for your job and using the mouse just isn't feasible, it will take some effort and work as using the keyboard exclusively isn't what most of us are used to, but you can do it!

We have a resource for keyboard shortcuts to get you started.