What is technology?

What is technology? From Google:

The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

Source; Accessed 2/5/2021

The other array of definitions include this main concept: knowledge + application. So while I often think of technology as some kind of electronic device or software, in reality, technology is how we use what we know.

Considering we’re all an internet-connection away from tons of knowledge, the opportunities should be limitless. However, our brains are not capable of utilizing every bit of knowledge we have access to—and sometimes we have a hard time accessing the technology itself. The other problem is that we probably aren’t taking advantage of what knowledge is out there, simply because it’s hard to pull out the bits of knowledge that truly are useful to us in our day-to-day lives.

My goal here is to provide you with the access you need to use the technology you have.

A computer has an amazing potential to assist us in our work—often outside of software and apps. Even the most basic forms of automation are available to us, but are widely unknown. Hopefully you can now become a technology-maker by taking the technology knowledge from here and applying it to your situation and your needs.

Here at Not Defined Tech, we make the applications of our knowledge. We are the tool-makers, not just tool-users. When everyone else seems to be telling you to “do more with less,” you can counter with the “do more with what you have” strategy.