Your First Python Automation: Guided Checklist

Your First Python Automation: Guided Checklist
Image of cockpit from Shaun Darwood

It's time to start using python to improve your work. This first project will be simple enough for you to pick up if you have no experience with python, and it should be useful if you already know python.

We're combining the productivity strategy of a checklist with the power of python to automate it. Remember, a checklist is not a to-do list. It's a way to ensure complex processes are accomplished consistently.

In this video, we’re going to make a guided checklist so that the computer can help remind you what step is next.

Here is the full code from the video, comments and all:

#! python3
# Auto-guided Checklist 

# Put all of the steps in a list:
steps = ["Open the page", "Check for spelling errors", "Check for broken links", "Run unit tests", "Add to sitemap", "Check sitemap for the new URL"]

# Loop through each step in the list 
for step in steps:
    # Print out the instructions
    # print(step)
    # Pause until we finish the step and hit "Enter" to get the next step